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Massoud Barzani says: There Is No Threat to Kurdish Region

Massoud Barzani Says There Is No Threat to Kurdish Region

Kurdistan Observer
Jan 25, 2003

Birayeti, the KDP newspaper, reported last Wednsday that the KDP president leader Massoud Barzani held a meeting at the KDP Political Bureau headquarters with the secretaries and representatives of 30 Kurdistani political parties and groups. The meeting was organized specifically to discuss the current prospects and development in the world and the region in order to be aware of their effects on Kurdistan and Iraq and assess these effects.

After warmly welcoming the secretaries and representatives of friendly parties and organizations, leader Barzani talked in detail about his recent visit to some Arab, regional and European countries as well as his
participation in the Iraqi opposition conference in London.

He also gave a detailed explanation of the current political situation in the region and in the world. He shed light on the tasks facing the people of Kurdistan today and the need for solidarity and cooperation among all
Kurdistani parties and political groups, stressing strongly that we needed to unify our attitudes and ranks now more than ever before.

In another part of his speech leader Barzani talked about the prospects and developments in Kurdistan and gave essential explanations to the audience. He pointed out that there was no threat to the Kurdistan region and a bright future awaited the people of Kurdistan.

Regarding the Iraqi opposition conference which was convened in London, leader Barzani highly appreciated the role of the Kurdish delegation in ensuring the success of the conference and he considered that the
establishment of federalism as a principle for future rule in Iraq was an important historical achievement for our people. He called for the spirit of tolerance and forgiveness among the Iraqi peoples and for work in the
future in this spirit.

The Kurdistani political parties and groups who were represented at the
meeting were:

1-Kurdistan Islamic union

2-Kurdistan Communist Party

3-Iraqi Communist Party

4-Assyrian Democratic Movement

5-Kurdistan Popular Movement

6-Kurdistan National Democratic Union

7-Kurdish Revolutionary Hezbollah

8-Islamic Movement in Kurdistan

9-Islamic Group in Kurdistan

10-Kurdistan Socialist Party

11-Turkoman Brotherhood Party

12-Turkoman Qardashliq Ocaghi

13-Turkoman Union Party

14-Turkoman Cultural Society

15-Turkoman Liberation Party

16-Kurdistan Turkoman Democratic Party 17-Kurdistan Democratic Labour Party

18-Bayt Nahrayn Party

19-Kurdistan National Group

20-Kurdistan Toilers and Farmers’ Movement

21-Kurdistan People’s Democratic Movement

22-Kurdistan National Islamic Movement

23-Kurdistan Democratic Republican Movement

24-Kurdistan Republican Party

25-Toilers’ Struggle organization

26-Kurdistan Liberation Party
27-Assyrian National Party

28-Chaldean Democratic Union Party

29-Freedom Congress

Bölüme ait diğer yazılardan!

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