Saturday , July 27 2024



Socialist Countries
The Struggles for National Independence
Working Class
New Social Movements Are Not Alternatives to, but Allies of the Working Class
No Imperialist-Centred Globalisation!
Capitalism, Nature, and Humanity
The Struggle Against Imperialism and Capitalism Continue in All Fields
The Socio-economic and Political Structure
of Northern Kurdistan
Accelerating Capitalistic Development
in Northern Kurdistan
Kurdish Bourgeoisie Against Revolution
Labour Army Is Growing in Kurdistan
Increasing Women and Children Labour
In Production
Destruction of Natural Environment
and Ecological Equilibrium
The Kurds Living in Turkish Areas
Character of Revolution
The Character and Goal of CPK
A) Foreign Policy
B) In Political Field
C) In Economic Field
D) In Social Field
E) In Cultural and educational Field
F) National Minorities and Communities
A) For the Freedom of Political
and Cultural Life
B) For Improving Working Life
C) Equality For Women in All Fields
D) The Oppression upon Labouring Peasantry Should Be Stopped
E) A Secure Future for the Youth
F) Autonomous and Liveable Cities


In those last years of the twentieth century, imperialistic capitalism is making the earth more unbearable for humanity. Imperialist-capitalist regimes double-facedly pretend to advocate “human rights,” “equality,” and “democracy.” But in the process of imperialist-centred globalisation:

The gap between the rich north and the poor south is deepening. Unjust income distribution and class exploitation are become heavier. Through regional wars the peoples are caused to destroy each other. Capitalist class is continuing to be the power behind repression, fanaticism, drugs and arms trade. The pollution and plundering of natural sources for the selfish class interests are continuing.

Imperialist-capitalistic system is alienating from humanity and approaching its historical end as a system to be superseded. On the basis of all these contradictions and conflicts, revolutionary dynamics are developing stronger on the world-wide scale and in individual countries.

Communism has been the ultimate liberation of the humanity since the emergence of class societies.

Today more strongly than before, the Communist Party of Kurdistan (CPK) believes that the future of humanity lies in communism. So with the world communist movement, it advances its struggle against imperialism and capitalism on the basis of proletarian internationalism.

In the face of centralisation of capital on the world-wide scale and collective attitudes of bourgeois political forces against labour movement, CPK believes that it is necessary to secure firmly the union of world communist movement on the basis of the principles of proletarian internationalism and calls fellow communist parties to take steps to create a new international.

Our Kurdish nation is one of those rare nations in the world without its own independent state. The bloody national repression implemented against our nation for centuries, and obstructions on its culture, its language and its national development as a whole have created a deep and irresistible demand for freedom in our people. Revolutionary national dynamics fostered by all these factors have set the task to fight for and establish the nation’s free and socialist national state for the proletariat of north Kurdistan.

On the other hand, the objective realities created by close connections between Turkey’s capitalism and that of our country also have been determining the revolutionary dynamism of our people; and for that reason, there is a congruence between the social dimension of Kurdish revolution and that of the Turkish. Also, the mentioned objective realities makes it the task of the proletariat of North Kurdistan to struggle for political power together with the Turkish working class.

In the North Kurdistan, the contradiction between labour and capital is deepening. National, class and all other contradictions are shaped and take their content on the basis and around of labour-capital contradiction. While the proletariat of North Kurdistan struggles against the regime of Turkish Republic for its national liberation, in the same process it is obliged to wage class struggle against its own collaborationist bourgeoisie for socialism.

The historical task set forth by all these objective conditions for Kurdish communists is to organise the proletariat, to be vanguard of every form of its struggle, to strengthen the political army of the revolution and to remove all obstacles to national-social development.

In the face of the existence of oppressed and oppressive nations and the obligation of our nation to create its own national state, Communist Party of Kurdistan, founded at its first congress held at March 1982 as the political party of the North Kurdistan’s proletariat, aims at a political orientation complementing the communist movement of Turkey in the goal of political power.

In its ideological and theoretical production and its political struggle, it takes Marxism-Leninnism as its guidance.


At the beginning of the twentieth century when the material accumulation supplied by free competition, colonial conquests and increasing technical developments raised the concentration and centralisation of capital to a monopolistic level, capitalism had reached its final and corrupt, imperialist stage.

Imperialism, for the first time in history, has accomplished the division of the world among the imperialist powers, and developed productive forces to the highest levels within the class society. In last process it has entered into a deep crisis and become the greatest obstacle to the social progress, and thereby prepared objective conditions for the liberation of proletariat.

At a time when the crisis pushed a few imperialist states into a redistribution war, Russian proletariat seized the political power through October 1917 Revolution. The October Revolution represented a historical moment in the progressive development of humanity, and caused the first decisive breakage in the supposedly eternal domination of imperialistic capitalism. Thus the humanity entered into the age of transition from capitalism to socialism.

In international solidarity with the working classes of capitalist countries and colonised peoples struggling for national independence, the Soviet Union stroke imperialism tremendous blows one after another.

In the Second World War, Soviet Union and socialist movement in general won a victory leading to the establishment of the socialist block. Classical colonial system was collapsed by the successive national revolutions in Asia and Africa.

Socialist Countries

Communist parties and socialist states had revolutionary effects on the course of the age through many positive, progressive advances they made in favour of Soviet and world peoples. But towards the end of 1980s, the socialist block led by Soviet Union entered into a process of perturbation and disintegration. Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist regimes were collapsed because of both outside and inside factors. Now former socialist countries are proceeding in a capitalistic direction.

There is no longer a socialist block as one of the important dynamics of world-revolution process. There are individual socialist countries where the communist parties are still in the power such as Cuba, China, Vietnam and North Korea. The balance between socialism and imperialist capitalism on world-wide scale today has been changed in favour of imperialism.

As we are going to enter into twenty-first century, the struggles for socialism all over the world is continuing. As an age of transition from capitalism to socialism, our age preserves its characteristics and dynamics. Although the socialist system has been disintegrated, the dynamics for socialist struggle is strengthening all over the world. The recovering of communist movement in Russia is a positive development in that direction.

It is socialism which marked the twentieth century, in spite of all its weaknesses and the collapse of socialist system.

The ultimate challenge to capitalism has been carried to the twenty-first century.

The Struggles for National Independence

At the same time, the twentieth century has been the one when the colonised peoples of Asia and Africa stood up for national independence against imperialism.

With the spark of freedom and independence burned by the October Revolution and the multi-dimensional support supplied by the socialist system and international labour movement, the colonised peoples broke down the chain of classical imperialist colonialism.

By the end of 1970s, tens of new, young independent national states had been established in the world. But only a few of these national states could preserve their economical and political independence from imperialism. Soon many of them entered into the whirlpool of economical and political dependence on imperialism on the basis of neo-colonialist policies. After the collapse of classical colonialism, imperialism generalised and made a system the neo-colonialist relations created by capital export along with commodity export.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, national liberation movements aiming to establish independent national states have been over as an historical stage. The struggles for national independence have markedly ended on world-wide scale, except for Kurdish nation and a few peoples. They have also ceased to be a decisive anti-imperialist dynamic.

Today when socialism has ceased to be an effective balance to world imperialism, for the continuing national liberation movements the danger of being under the influence of imperialism and regional reactionism is increasing.

For the national movements, pursuing merely national liberationist policies and not aiming socialism, in the last analysis it has been being an inevitable process to search solution into relations with US and other imperialist-capitalist powers. The experiences of Palestine, South Africa, South Kurdistan and North Ireland are the most living examples.

The guarantee of independent stance against imperialism and regional reactionism is to complement national liberationist perspective with a social liberationist (socialist) one.

It is the world of underdeveloped, oppressed peoples, yoked by imperialism within the relations of the would-be mutual, but in reality unilateral dependence, Where the systemic contradictions surfaced most severely. They are in the grip of environmental problems exported by imperialism, starvation, and epidemics; their cultures are under the attacks of imperialist culture; their technologies are outdated ones transferred by imperialism.

Imperialism has constituted, as it were, an international cast system. The burden of a few bandits at the top of the pyramid are shouldered by the oppressed peoples at the base. And at the bottom there are those peoples who have not established their own states yet such as Kurdish people.

The nation-state gradually ceases to be the focus of economic, political and cultural centralisation, notably in Europe. Centralisation is shaped by the transnational institutions.

As the borders of nation-state crackle and as a result of localisation, opposite pole of centralisation, new racist, nationalist dynamics emerge on the basis of cultural and social differences. They cannot be perceived as national liberationist, or patriotic movements.

CPK believes that social liberation of Asian, African and Latin American peoples are on the agenda. Working peoples cannot achieve social liberation against imperialism without struggling against capitalism in their counties. For the real liberation of the peoples can be achieved through socialism as social liberation.

Working Class

The most fundamental and comprehensive dynamic of the process of world revolution is the working class, as was before. The objective base of this dynamic, fostered by the contradiction between labour and capital, is strengthening even in the remotest corner of the earth.

The struggle of the working class and revolutionary fight entered into the process of stagnation and decline towards the end of 1970s. This process has not been superseded yet. The ideological and theoretical stasis of communist movement has also a role in the current stagnation. The working class struggle and communist movement have always mutually influenced each other.

As the capital in all capitalist countries, especially in imperialist ones, orient to create a flexibility in the technical structure of the production, the working class is under the attacks in many ways. The capital seeking to find a way to the crisis and backed by technological improvements has been directing a cross fire to the working class.

In the process through which the capital makes more flexible the conditions of employment, work and wage viewed as rigid, what the capital wants to eliminate is the gains of the working class acquired through the bloody fighting in a period of 200 years, notably those pertaining to labour union, strike and collective bargaining.

The fact that the struggles for national independence have ceased to be decisive and that the capitalism has developed deeply in Asia and Africa indicates that in those areas too the class struggles will develop more widely and more nakedly on the basis of labour versus capital contradiction.

In addition, the labour processes based on flexible expertness, at which the capital aims, produce contrary effects, and widen and deepen the contradictions of capital. The labour processes based on flexible expertness contain and strengthen counter-dynamics. The productive labour component and the percentage of intellectual labour within total labour are growing.

Today’s world is a painful, bleeding one, divided into the opposite poles on many levels. The first and fundamental contrast is between capital and labour. This contrast is sharpening on national and international levels. The struggle of working class in any country will have to cease to be one only against “its own bourgeoisie” but against international monopolies. International capital has made the boundaries of the countries figural for the operations of capital.

There are developments indicating that the working class and communist movement will supersede the current stagnation. The increasing attacks of the cap

ital are countered by the working class with strong responses.

New Social Movements Are Not Alternatives to, but Allies of the Working Class

That the capitalist consumption society has been using up natural sources quickly to their physical limits, and thereby raising the pollution and destruction of the environment up to its height; increasing human rights violations; constraining the freedoms; continuing sexism and oppression against the women —when all these have been experienced, the working class and communist movement have not been able to develop comprehensive policies and dynamic struggles in relation to these problems.

New Social Movements (NSMs), such as the greens, human rights, peace and women rights defenders, and opponents of war have began to gain ground all over the world.

NSMs, struggling against the effects of capitalism rather than capitalism itself, are not alternatives to, but allies of the working class. Under capitalism, there is no any class or stratum other than the working class able to represent the revolutionary dynamic and social opposition. The fundamental dynamic of social change is the working class.

The communist movement must allied itself with NSMs and also should be able to go to the masses with a political perspective embracing the problems which foster and motivate the NSM

No Imperialist-Centred Globalisation!

Capitalism has become the dominant system on world-wide scale. However, this capitalist domination showed different levels of development in different continents and countries.

Imperialist-centred capitalistic development in the other areas of the world (southern hemisphere) was and is focused on the needs and interests of imperialism.

The fact that the capital has made the capitalism a world system creates an appropriate milieu for imperialist-centred globalisation (integration) accelerated by the imperialist powers in recent years.

In the past, the imperialist North, which held the monopoly of science ant technology in its hands, had forced the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America to remain agricultural societies. But today, it impose upon the poor southern countries the industrialisation, while itself moving towards a “post-industrial” society.

While the imperialist capital inclines to re-conquest the world under the guise of globalisation, it aims to impose the burden of the crisis upon the underdeveloped counties, and more importantly to transfer the production units polluting the environment to these countries and thereby turns them into the garbage places of capitalism through the policy of “ industrial transference.”

“Industrial transference” carried out with an accelerating tempo makes more immediately the relations between the imperialist metropolis and the poor countries caught into the web of neo-colonialism.

This development strengthens such a ground that the crisis and instability of underdeveloped countries extend directly into the imperialist countries.

The globalisation developed under the domination of imperialist capital, on the one hand, undermines, makes barren and destroys all sorts of locality, the local material and spiritual wealth of all dependent countries caught into the web of neo-colonialism. On the other hand, it makes heavier the exploitation of the world peoples, putting the material production under the control of imperialist financial system.

The imperialist globalisation with all these characteristics is the major obstacle to the progress of Asian, African and Latin American peoples. The solution lies in social revolutions which will realise the radical breaking with imperialist capitalism.

The continental/regional grouping is another aspect of the centralisation (globalisation) of capital. Integration is deepening around three centres: Europe (EU), Northern America (NAFTA) and Far East (APEC).

Analyses about imperialism and uneven development are still the key ones in understanding today’s world. The law of uneven development and concentration of capital still determines the shifting in the power balance between imperialist centres such as US, Western Europe and Japan. Russia and China have also the potential for becoming a world-wide power and shaking the current balances.

Interest conflicts of imperialist power centres, their efforts to make ineffective each other and their fight for becoming super power are other factors deepening the crisis of imperialist system. The contradictions created and to be created by imperialist fighting for domination cannot be resolved without leading to serious depressions.

Capitalism, Nature, and Humanity

The destructive effects of capitalism on nature and human being continue to be effective.

Consumption society with its commodity-oriented ideology and its greed for limitless profit is developed without diminishing. The capital, with the opportunities supplied by technology, transforms all material values (and sources) into commodities and puts them on the market. The aim is not the human, but more profit!

In its all aspects, the capitalist society, in which the property and money are elevated to and respected as the level of divinity, is becoming the major obstacle to the development of human personality and spiritual values. Alienated from all human values, the commodity-oriented capitalist society fatigues and distorts human personality.

Under these conditions, in the struggle against capitalism it becomes more important to protect nature and improve the creative human personality in many ways.

With the purpose of leaving a liveable world to the future generations, the communists should go to the masses with a perspective creating more free-time for multi-dimensional development of human personality as well as a ecologist one.

The Struggle Against Imperialism and Capitalism Continue in All Fields

With its economic, social and political structures the imperialist-capitalist system degenerates, corrupts; and its crisis becomes heavier. By the bribery, fraud and political intricate, the bourgeois representative system ant its institutions have been discredited in the eyes of the masses. This confidence erosion still continues.

The working masses take a dislike to the bourgeois politics. Both interest and participation in the representative institutions are gradually diminishing.

All contradictions of the system are intensifying day by day. They are already leading to economic crises, social explosions and wars. Power shifting and grouping among the imperialists competing severely in all fields in the context of “the law of uneven development” are threatening the future of our world.

With its all outdated characteristics, imperialist-capitalist system strengthens class, national-social and democratic dynamics which will destroy it, while it tries to maintain its domination on the world. The fight against imperialism and capitalism in every field is developing and becoming stranger on the basis of these dynamics.

In the fight being waged to destroy imperialist-capitalist system there should be close international relations and solidarity in action among the working classes of capitalist countries, the struggles for national-social liberation and socialist countries. In our region there should be an international struggle to be carried out on the regional scale by the communist, revolutionary and progressive forces of our region with a revolutionary perspective so that a revolution taken place in one of the countries will result in successive revolutions in the region. To this purpose the CPK calls the communist movement of the region to act jointly.


Our people has played an important role in the formation of Mesopotamian civilisation through its peculiar economic and social values, its multi-dimensional relations with surrounding peoples and the states it created at various times.

Kurdistan has been attractive to the great empires of the time because its rich sources, its geographical location and the trade routes passing through its land. Therefore our country was attacked, invaded and occupied by the various states, notably by Islamic-Arabic armies

The actual dividing of Kurdistan was formalised for the first time by the Kasr-i ?irin agreement concluded in 1639 between Ottoman Empire and Persian Empire.

That our country met with foreign invasions for centuries; that it became the field of struggle between Ottoman and Persian empires for domination; that it was controlled indirectly and via local chieftains, sheikhs and feudal lords favoured by the foreign sovereigns; that the exploitation and plunder by local administrations were masked by foreign oppression, and that of foreign oppression by the local administrations; that our people shared the same religion with the colonisers —all these have been major obstacles to economic and social development.

The local revolts, attempted by the Kurdish nation under the suitable conditions emerged after the collapse of Ottoman Empire, were crushed by the attacks of Britain, France and Russia who shared among themselves the Ottoman land (and consequently the land of Kurdistan) during the first imperialist war. With the October Revolution of 1917 Tharist Russia was disintegrated and consequently the Russian occupation came to the end.

However, the British included the southern Kurdistan within Iraq they occupied then, and the French two other parts of Kurdistan within Syria they occupied then. And The Lausanne Treaty, concluded in 1923 after the Turkish struggle for national liberation won victory, left significant part of Kurdistan (northern Kurdistan) within the borders of new founded and officially recognised Turkish state. Thus our country was divided into four parts.

Our nation resisted to that fait accompli until the year when Republic of Mehabad was founded. Every Kurdish struggle for national liberation was crushed by the joint efforts of the occupying states supported by imperialism.

Each of the occupying states created an economic and social integration with the part of Kurdistan it took under its domination and thereby broke down the general revolutionary dynamism of Kurdistan. Thus there have emerged such material conditions that each part of Kurdistan should wage a joint fight with the working people of the dominant nation in order to achieve its national liberation.

All these have not erased the desire of Kurdish nation to maintain its national existence, achieve its national independence and national union of the four parts. The historical inclination of Kurdish nation towards national unity goes on. And CPK holds the unity of Kurdistan under the national sovereignty of our people, and maintains that on the way to the unity it is necessary at least two parts of Kurdistan should be free.

The attempts of occupying states to crush with joint action the struggle for liberation in each part; the efforts to counter the national resistance in one part with the national liberationist and communist movements in the other parts; and the efforts to bring our struggle for liberation face to face with the revolutionary forces of the region and of the world —all these make necessary the joint action of the communist, revolutionary-democratic and patriotic forces of Kurdistan in general.

CPK does its best to ward off all the efforts and attempts of the imperialist and occupying states; to give support to the struggle raising in one of the parts; and to secure harmony between our national movement and the revolutionary forces of the region and of the world. To this end, it strives to create a solidarity front all over the Kurdistan.

The Socio-economic and Political Structure
of Northern Kurdistan

After the collapse of Ottoman Empire, the Turkish Republic (TR) was founded as an unitary state. Founded on a racist and chauvinist base, TR put an end to the former colonial status of Northern Kurdistan. Unlike the Ottomans, it was denied that the Kurds were a separate nation and Kurdistan was a separate country. The existence the Kurds and Kurdistan were denied. Through a comprehensive integration, economic, cultural and political occupation and annexation were deepened and aggravated. And today it has been deepening too.

Not contending with the methods of sheer force in maintaining its domination on Northern Kurdistan, chauvinist Turkish bourgeoisie drew the Kurdish bourgeois and ruling forces into a compromise determined by itself. Acquiring the opportunities to have a say in the political power and to gain economic advantages, the Kurdish bourgeois and ruling classes have chosen the way of collaborationizm and withdrawn from the national struggle.

Having usurped forcibly the right of freedom and sovereignty of Northern Kurdistan, Turkish state has established itself with its own military, political and administrative structure in our country and tries to block all aspects of our national development. Therefore, the question of national freedom and sovereignty is the most immediate and fundamental problem of our working people.

National oppression exercised by Turkish state through massacres, compulsory resettlement and forced immigration goes on brutally. This oppression manifests itself economically in the fact that Kurdistan is a domestic market for Turkey, plundered and destroyed; politically in the fact that the Kurds are under the oppression of a foreign state, and denied of national sovereignty; and socially and culturally in the national humiliation and cultural backwardness created by continuing tribalism, widespread ignorance and forced assimilation.

Brain drain from Northern Kurdistan to Turkish metropolises goes on. Our intellectuals are killed or imprisoned because of their ideas. Education in native language is forbidden. The laws banning the Kurdish language and Kurdish culture are in force and repression by police goes on. Our women are overwhelmed by the national oppression.

Accelerating Capitalistic Development
in Northern Kurdistan

That the capitalistic industrialisation is transferred from imperialist centres (metropolises) to the periphery (southern hemisphere); that the South-eastern Anatolian Project (SAP) creates favourable conditions for Turkey’s and international capital; that the Turkish state accelerates consciously and purposely capitalistic development in all corners of Northern Kurdistan and pursues privatisation policies —as a result of all these facts, capitalistic industrialisation in Northern Kurdistan have entered into a accelerated developmental process. Unlike the past, the future capitalistic development will be private-sector-oriented.

The capitalism and its so-called “order of the free market” developed widely in Northern Kurdistan produce nothing but selfish relations among individuals. Personal abilities are turned into a means of exchange; creativeness is destroyed. Every thing is turned into a commodity; the money is turned into the sole measure of every thing; cultural deterioration is growing.

There are no words but the profit and interest in the book of monopolist bourgeoisie. For the sake of profit and interest, Kurdistan is burned and destroyed, and Kurdish people are sacrificed. Under the dust of this war, an extremely hideous monopolistic capitalist order is reconstructed. Now it is high time for monopolistic capital to exploit more intensively the economic and social potentialities of Kurdistan and use them as a springboard in its development. The monopolistic capital has no religion, no belief, no flag. No matter it is Kurdish, Jewish or Turkish, Turkey’s capitalists, under the command of international capital and imperialism, jointly plunder whatever belongs to the people. That is the objective ground of common interest of the proletarians living in Turkey and Kurdistan.

Increasing cost of living and unemployment turning into a social disaster deprive the working people of all means of subsistence. Under the yoke of heavy exploitation, people are driven into all sorts of shame for subsistence.

The social wealth produced by waged labourers and working masses is being concentrated in the hand of the bourgeoisie as a minority class at the expense of majority of the society. Social inequality is increasing; the gap between the incomes of the classes is deepening. In this process, the fundamental contradiction between the social character of production and capitalistic appropriation is sharpening as the contradiction between labour and capital.

Kurdish Bourgeoisie Against Revolution

In Kurdistan, an earnest bourgeois class has been emerged and is emerging. In the cities of Kurdistan, the number of holdings is not small. Having climbed to the level of monopoly, Kurdistan’s bourgeoisie has transformed the compromise and collaboration it made with the chauvinist Turkish bourgeoisie into a permanent economic partnership and common interest. With its class stance, it has broken with the national values and taken its place against the struggle for national liberation.

Further, Kurdish bourgeoisie is becoming the main support of the Turkish state in Kurdistan. Collaborationist Kurdish bourgeoisie is conscious of its class interests and of what it is doing.

The question is that the communists and revolutionaries of Kurdistan should strengthen the struggle against their bourgeoisie with a political perspective generalising the class interest of proletariat in the name of our working people.

Labour Army Is Growing in Kurdistan

Technical development and growing large-scale production have been eliminating the small-scale production. The means of production are being concentrated in the hands of capitalist class. Mechanisation and capitalistic development in agriculture have differentiated the peasantry and created an agricultural bourgeoisie; and agricultural bourgeoisie have brought out seasonal workers in agriculture along with middle and small (poor) peasantry. That process is still going on. In agriculture, there have been a class of agricultural and landed bourgeoisie at one pole and at the other a class of permanent and temporary (seasonal) agricultural workers. Of the surplus labour force brought out by mechanisation in agriculture, some are joining the ranks of urban proletariat, and the others the ranks of seasonal workers or unemployed.

The small producers in cities and towns also are subject to inevitable destruction by monopolistic capitalist development. Thus, peoples from various social strata fill the ranks of proletariat, in so far as they satisfy the needs of and enlarge capital.

It should be added that the white collar workers, objectively proletarianised by capitalistic industrialisation accelerated in recent years, have enlarged the ranks of labour army in Kurdistan. The fact that Turkish state have explicitly forced and is forcing the millions of inhabitants of cities and towns to compulsory migration have extraordinarily enlarged the army of unemployed labour. That process also goes on, if diminishingly.

Capitalism put the heavy burden of crises on the shoulders of the working class. The bourgeoisie does force the industrial, agricultural and service workers to work in the heaviest works without any sort of social insurance and with a wage at subsistence level. Working class producing all material wealth has become an extension of machines and alienated from all means of production and the products it produced

In Northern Kurdistan, national and social revolution is going up depending on the contradiction between labour and capital, the contradiction of capitalistic production. The working people of Kurdistan cannot be content only with national liberation. It is proletariat which will conduct national and social liberation complementarily

Increasing Women and Children Labour
In Production

With the technological development and mechanisation, the proportion of women and children labour in production is increasing day by day. It is possible to see that fact both in factories and fields concretely.

Capital prefers the labour of unorganised women and children because of their cheap labour and their vulnerability. In addition it uses women and children labour as a weapon threatening the workers with unemployment.

In spite of heavy exploitation and working conditions, for women waged labour represents a progression in comparison with closed feudal economic and traditional family life. Women are working under hard conditions and being exploited heavily, but they have also the means to change their fate, to organise themselves, ant to struggle. Liberation of women depends upon revolution, and revolution upon their active participation in it.

Destruction of Natural Environment
and Ecological Equilibrium

The war waged by Turkish state against Kurdish national struggle has ruined our country. The forests have been burned; the pasturage have been extremely damaged. Destruction is still going on. Each of the dams constructed successively is erasing the roots of our historical and natural values. They causes climatic changes, ecological problems and new epidemics threatening human health.

Unplanned and plundering capitalistic development accelerated because of attractiveness of cheap labour and raw material of Kurdistan makes the industrial pollution, notably chemical pollution of subterranean water sources, a growing danger.

The Kurds Living in Turkish Areas

Since 1978 Kurdistan has been being ruled by martial law, fascist junta, special war and state of emergency. Turkish state is pursuing a conscious policy to change the composition of population, predominantly Kurdish, of Kurdistan. In due to this policy, and plus economic hardship and heavy oppressions, millions of Kurdish labourers have poured and still are pouring into Turkish metropolises; so that the number of Kurds living in Turkish areas are almost the same as those living in Kurdistan.

Given this fact, CPK struggles to resolve the problems of those Kurds who live outside home and to secure their participation in economic, cultural, political, social and administrative life with their national-cultural identity; and supports the attempts and organisations in this direction, or tries to pioneer them. It tries that those Kurds living in Turkish areas should play a role in weaving the united struggle of labourers from two peoples.

Character of Revolution

To the crises of Turkey’s capitalism, for its dependence, the crises of imperialism are added. Economic crisis is uninterruptedly deepening, generalising, and embracing social and political life. Anarchy, drug and illegal arms trade are becoming the inevitable results of the order. The regime is becoming a Mafia regime, and the country the home of illegal gains. Capitalist system is structurally decaying and approaching its historical end. It is becoming the main obstacle to the national and social progress of our people, of our working class.

In parallel with the increasing contradictions of monopoly capitalism, the proletariat finds itself coming face to face with the necessity to change the system radically. Only proletariat has the ability to change the capitalist system radically and replace it with a socialist society in which the public will own the means of production; the production of goods will be focused on the development of society in every way; and all individuals will share the welfare and freedom. It is necessary for the proletariat to carry out a full social revolution seizing the political power and restructuring it as its class democracy.

In Northern Kurdistan, national contradiction fostered by the fact that our nation is deprived of its national right and freedom coexists and is interlocked with other economic and social contradictions. This fact gives way to a national consciousness and resistance, and gives a national characteristic to the proletarian revolution fostered by corrupting capitalism with its all social consequences on the other.
Turkish state is a means of the class domination and exploitation of collaborationist Kurdish bourgeoisie as well as it is a oppressive apparatus against our people. Working majority have the task not only to gain monopolised democracy, but to re-establish it nationally.

Working class will be liberated by its own action. Proletariat cannot liberate itself without liberating the oppressed and exploited masses of society. Urban and rural labourers, small tradesmen, artisans and small producers are not only oppressed politically, but under the economic oppression of monopoly capitalism. They become the allies of proletariat in social revolution. That fact gives the proletarian revolution a general proletarian characteristic.

The communists of Kurdistan represent and struggle for not only the interests of proletariat but also those of our oppressed and exploited people. CPK claims the progressive, revolutionary inheritance of our people, though it undertakes above all to defend the interests of proletariat. It tries to take our people’s struggle for freedom and democracy to victory together with the struggle for socialism under the domination of proletariat.

CPK supports the revolutionary struggle, which has a progressive essence, of small-bourgeois nationalism against national oppression while it fight against its policies undermining the international unity of proletariat and imprisoning the proletariat of Kurdistan in national narrow-mindedness.

CPK rejects all reformist solutions which will not eliminate all forms of national oppressions and privileges. It views the reforms in general as gained positions on the way to national-social liberation.

Proletarian revolution, the social revolution which will lead our people to complete liberation, is a National Democratic Popular Revolution arising from the national and social dynamics of Kurdistan. Economic integration between Turkey and Northern Kurdistan and social, political and cultural consequences of that integration have created the dynamics for united revolution of two peoples. The dynamics for a united revolution, which will lead two people to liberation against common enemy, are becoming stronger day by day.

CPK aims at political and syndical unity with the working class of Turkey and wages joint struggle in order to lead the revolution to victory in direction of class interest and with confident steps.

The techniques, transportation, communication, commodity and capital circulation developed at extraordinary levels and the globalisation deepened in recent years have made the capitalistic countries a region of one single world market. They strengthen and increase the importance of the ground for international unity of proletariat around one single ultimate goal. They make it a immediate and vital task to create international unity of world communist movement.

The proletariat of Northern Kurdistan sharing the same goal, communism, with international proletariat is a national detachment of the army of world proletariat. The proletariat of Kurdistan, like each national detachment, can carry out its international duties primarily by leading the class struggle in its own country to victory.

National minorities and communities in Northern Kurdistan such as Armenians, Arabs, Assyrians and Azeris, together with the Kurds, have been oppressed and included forcibly into the economic and political system of Turkey. They have been deprived of all sorts of national rights, and experienced the forced assimilation.

The fate of those peoples of Kurdistan are interlocked with that of the Kurdish nation. Therefore it is necessary for their proletarians to organise themselves within one single party and struggle together with the Kurdish proletarians. In addition it is aimed that these minorities will have a autonomous organisation within the party. The liberation of these minorities and communities will be through the free and socialist Popular Republic of Kurdistan.

The Character and Goal of CPK

CPK is the party of proletariat of Northern Kurdistan. It maintains that the proletariat should be organised and united around an independent class politics. Its ultimate goal is to lead the society to a classless communist order without exploitation by establishing a socialist society. To that purpose, it aims to establish the dictatorship of proletariat in Kurdistan through the victory of National Democratic Popular Revolution.

In case the conditions or the revolution will not give way to the political power of proletariat, CPK will struggle to realise the national sovereignty as the political power of proletariat.

CPK approaches to the other social strata in view of class interests of the proletariat. It generalises and programatises the class interests of proletariat in the name of working people and wages a violent struggle for the revolution.

CPK views the national and social liberation as one single historical process of the revolution. And in the course of achieving national liberation, it aims to put an end to capitalistic private property and to remove the exploitation of waged labour.

Starting from this fundamental perspective, it maintains that the struggle for National Democratic Popular Revolution should be waged under the leadership of the proletariat. Against imperialism, fascism, capitalism and national oppression it strives for alliance of proletariat and the poor peasantry and to create the unity of urban and rural petty bourgeoisie, intellectuals, revolutionary-democratic and patriotic forces into the National Democratic Popular Front of Kurdistan. It strives to create United Democratic Popular Front of the Turkish and Kurdish peoples.

As its immediate political goal CPK aims at the federation, political unity with the peoples of Turkey on federative and equal terms. With this goal in Northern Kurdistan, it struggles to establish Socialist Popular Republic of Kurdistan.

In order to decide the separation from or unity with Turkey, CPK maintains to hold a referendum in Kurdistan in a completely free and democratic situation.


In its orientation to establish a socialist order which will give way to national reformation by Popular Republic of Kurdistan, Communist Party of Kurdistan intends to take the following measures in economic, political, social and other fields.

A) Foreign Policy

Popular republic will put an end to all financial, military and political agreements and obligations having a binding force on our country, and confiscate all military bases and establishments belonging to the imperialism.

It argues against re-dividing the world and enslaving the peoples by imperialism, all sorts of imperialist interventions, attacks and embargoes, and all imperialist groupings. It will be in international solidarity with international communist and revolutionary movements, national and social liberationist movements, and socialist and anti-imperialist countries.

It will maintain peaceful relations with the peoples and states of our region on the basis of mutual co-operation and common interest.

To maintain ecological equilibrium of the nature, to defend human rights, to observe international common interest in the sky, space, seas, rivers an the poles will be the key consideration in the foreign policy. It will obey the decisions taken in this respect and take care of the obedience by the others.

B) In Political Field

Popular Republic will abolish the administrative, political, military and cultural mechanisms and institutions of Turkish state in Kurdistan.

Popular Republic will prepare and submit to the approval of our peoples a socialistic constitution which will allow to control the legislative, executive and juridical bodies by the people and will ensure human rights and freedoms for people regardless of their religion, sex and nationality.

In order to ensure internal and external security, the people’s militia and people’s army will be created; and the confiscated military equipment of military bases and institutions belonging to the imperialist states ant Turkish state will be transferred to the people’s militia and people’s army.

Popular Republic will carry out the establishment and organisation of national state on the basis of proletarian democracy; it will pursue such a policy that the socialist democracy should penetrate into and be functional in the depths of social and cultural life, notably in the central institutions of the state.

It will take legal measures to prevent bureaucratisation and alienation of administrative bodies from the people; both at central and local levels, the activities of administrative units will be opened to and controlled by the people.

At all levels, the local administration will be strengthened; inspection and participation from below of all section of the society will be ensured; the sections will be able to recall the administers, or officers to whom they related.

Socialist democracy will grant the right of political and cultural organisation to the all sections of the people so that they will have their self-administrations, and it will be encouraging in this respect.

An uncompromising struggle against ideological, political and economic existence of the bourgeoisie will be waged.

Torture will be considered a crime against the humanity and forbidden.

The juridical will not be dependent on the executive; judges and public prosecutors will be determined from below instead of being appointed from above.

Popular Republic will pursue a policy to ensure the union of our country, If not accomplished yet.

C) In Economic Field

All monopolistic, large and middle-scale enterprises, banks and assurance companies belonging to the state, imperialists and private sectors will be confiscated and socialised. In liquidation of small-scale industrial production, it will be the main point to persuade the owners.

The assets of the expropriated banks will be amalgamated into one single national bank and a new financial system will be formed. Import and export will be taken into public ownership; small-scale enterprises, trades and properties of the tradesmen and artisans will not be touched; they will be persuaded to pass to collective production.

Large-scale landed property will be confiscated together with its equipment. Land purchasing and selling will be forbidden. On large lands there will be collective production and ownership; with the new technical equipment the agricultural productivity will be increased and thereby agricultural production will be socialised. Small and middle-scale land propriety and their production will be gathered into co-operatives, and will be supported by the public with agricultural equipment and credit. The persuasion will be the main concern in transition to socialist collective ownership.

Animal husbandry, cattle feeding and dairy farming will be improved; and animal species will be protected and improved. Small-scale herd ownership and small-scale cattle feeding will be protected, encouraged to enter into co-operatives, and in the process persuaded to adopt collective ownership.

At the beginning of socialist construction, the public ownership and social production will coexist with the small-scale private ownership and production. In the transition period, the attractiveness of socialist ownership and the impact of the welfare it brought about in the society will be decisive in the liquidation of the small-scale production in industry, agriculture and trade.

Forests, rivers and lakes will be preserved as public property, and utilised for the benefit of the society.

In economy socialist planning will be a harmonious unity of central and local planning. Power stations, regional railroads, airways, foreign trade and so on will be in the scope of central planning.

The principle of economic self-sufficiency will be observed, but isolation from international integration will not be aimed. International integration and self-sufficiency will be regarded as the parts of one single whole.

D) In Social Field

All working people will be united into Association of Unions of Kurdistan. The unions will be allowed to participate in state administration. Unionisation, strike and collective contract will be legally ensured.
Full employment will be achieved, and unemployment will be eliminated. Working day will be arranged so as to not exceed six hours in heavy works and 8 hours in all the others, and will be gradually diminished. The employment of children below 16 ages will be forbidden.

In socialist economy, the leisure will be increased by diminishing working hours and technical innovation so that the free time will proportionally create the material conditions for social, cultural and political development of the individual.

The principle from everyone according to his/her ability and to everyone according to his/her labour will be realised.

21st March the Day Newroz, May Day and 8th March the Day of Working Women of the World will be official holidays and celebrated officially.

Public works will be gratis.

The problems of urbanisation will be solved by a new reconstruction policy and all necessary measures will be taken in order to meet the demand for housing.

Discrimination against women will be eliminated in all fields. Women participation in economic, cultural and political life will be encouraged and supported. There will be inventive policies for women participation in all administrative bodies.

E) In Cultural and educational Field

There will not be any official state language. The necessary measures will be taken in order to develop and spread over the society the Kurdish language, culture and arts. The policies preventing the commercialisation of the art will be developed.

The efforts will be made to make prevalent an internationalist culture and consciousness in society.

Broadcasting will be arranged so as to increase the cultural and educational level of the people. Cinema, theatre and sport will be supported and amateur mass sports will be spreaded.

For the pre-school health and education of the children, all necessary institutions, equipment and personnel will be supplied. From the primary to high education, all levels of education will be gratis.

All necessary measures will be taken to create favourable conditions for national and local press. Libraries and reading houses will be spreaded.

In economic, social and cultural fields, all necessary arrangements for physical and mental defectives will be made.

No one will be persecuted for his/her religious believes. The measures will be taken against the politisation of any religion.

The participation in economic, political, social and cultural life of the country by Komsomol will be ensured.

F) National Minorities and Communities

The areas inhabited by Armenians, Azeris, Assyrians, Arabs, or Turks will be given autonomy and their participation in administration of the country on equal terms will be ensured. Those who left the country because of genocide or compulsory settlement, notably Armenians and Assyrians, will be allowed to return.

In accordance with the constitutional principles, Armenians, Arabs, Azeris, Assyrians and Turks will have the right of education in native language; they will have their own press, radio and TV stations, cinemas, theatres and so on.


CPK struggles for the following current demands together with all revolutionary, democratic and socialist forces, ecologists, pacifists, human and women rights activists.

A) For the Freedom of Political
and Cultural Life

The constitution of 1982 should be annulled and a new one ensuring the human rights and freedoms and equal interest of Kurdish, Turkish and other peoples should be prepared.

The laws pertaining to the Extraordinary Rule, the State Security Courts, the Regional Governorship, exile and censorship should be annulled and the special war apparatus such as Regional Governorship, Team for Special Operations, and village guardianship should be abolished.

The military operations in Kurdistan should be stopped. Compulsory migration should be stopped. The state should pay indemnities to those whose houses and properties were destroyed, or burned, or confiscated by the military forces. The institutions or officers responsible for that destruction should be judged. Favourable conditions should be prepared for those who want to return their villages or towns.

Torture should be regarded as a crime against humanity and torturers should be judged.

The ban on Kurdish and other minority languages, on education and press in native language should be annulled; official state language should be abolished.

All laws restricting, or banning fundamental rights and freedoms should be annulled.

21st March the Day Newroz, May Day and 8th March the Day of Working Women of the World should be official holidays and celebrated officially.

An amnesty should be declared; capital punishment should be annulled; and war crimes should be investigated and the responsible persons should be punished.

Freedom of faith and conscience should be ensured; religious and sectarian discrimination should be stopped; and religious education and instruction by the state should be abolished.

B) For Improving Working Life

In all work places, the rights of freely unionisation, holding referendum in choosing the union, collective contract, and strike, strike for solidarity and general strike should be legally ensured; lockout should be forbidden.

The unionisation of agricultural waged labourer, notably the seasonal workers, should be supported.

In all fields, it should be forbidden to employ uninsured workers and those who employ should be heavily punished.

Privatisation, turning into a full-scale plunder, should be stopped. The laws pertaining to work security, workers’ health, Social Insurance Institution and retirement should be re-arranged; there should be unemployment compensation; and in all fields relating to working life, administration and control by unions and workers should be legally ensured.

The dismissal of workers by the employers under the guise of flexible employment should be prevented.

In all work places, the working day should be limited to 8 hours, in heavy and unhealthy works to 6 hours, and working days of the week to 5 days; overtime should be forbidden.>

Minimum wage should be so set that it should meet the economic and cultural needs of the worker and his/her family, be exempted from tax.

Civil servants should be granted the right of unionisation with collective contract and strike; the laws prohibiting them from joining political parties and participation in political struggle should be annulled; and security investigation should be abolished.

Apprentices should be grant all rights of workers. The employment of the under age of 16 should be forbidden. The employers employing children should be punished.

The incomes of the retired and the destitute should be enough to live humanly and their needs should be met by the public. Health services should be gratis.

C) Equality For Women in All Fields

All laws reflecting male domination should be annulled.
Violence against women, all forms of control on women’s bodies and lives resulting from outdated custom and traditional habits, and bride’s price should be forbidden.

Equality between men and women in all fields, and equal wage for women should be ensured.

The places in where women’s bodies are sold to make a profit and humiliated should be closed; and other jobs should be found for the women employed there.

The working women should be granted the right of paid leave for three months before and three months after giving birth, and in case of demand the right of unpaid leave for three years after giving birth. There should be nurseries in all work places and pubic institutions.

D) The Oppression upon Labouring Peasantry Should Be Stopped
Of the peasants forcibly migrated by the state, those who have returned, or will return should be financed by the state to reconstruct their economic and social lives.

The oppressions by the state, monopolies and landed bourgeoisie upon the middle-peasantry and small producers should be eliminated. They should be supplied with necessary equipment and credit; and their debts to the state, banks, dealers and usurers should be erased.

The practice of minimum and maximum prices operating in favour of the monopolies and landed bourgeoisie should be abolished, and in favour of labouring peasantry single price should be implemented.

The pasturage ruined and prohibited by the military forces should be made secure for animal husbandry, and small and middle peasantry should be supported with credit at low interest.

E) A Secure Future for the Youth

Racist, chauvinist and assimilationist education should be ended. Education and instruction should be in native language.

There should be a favourable condition for physical and mental growing of the children, the future of the society. United Nations Declaration of Children’s Rights should be regarded as binding.

An educational system based on personal ability and teaching should be prepared. There should be an education free of charge and without examinations. Educational system should be democratised; universities should be autonomous; and the Council of Higher Education should be abolished.

The laws forbidding the participation of students in politics should be annulled; and the age of to be elected should be 18.

The infrastructure for amateur mass sport should be prepared by the state.

The oppressions on the intellectuals, the bearers and producers of Kurdish art, should be ended and the necessary support should be given them to maintain their activities.

F) Autonomous and Liveable Cities

In the cities of Kurdistan, notably in Diyarbak›r, even a light earthquake will result in great disasters. Given that fact, constructions contrary to the development plan should be prevented.

Real estate speculation should be prevented, and there should be rent control.

Drinking water and energy should satisfy the needs of the people. Infrastructure in cities should be completed and modernised; local administrations should have a full authority in this respect and should be supported by central administration with financial and technical instruments.

All local administrations should be freed from the state pressure and central interventions, and be autonomous and democratic.
